Purchase Order
Terms and Conditions


Supplier Certification Date

  1. Seller will include, on the Packing Slip for each shipment a Certificate of Compliance statement that the supplies or services furnished hereunder conform to the applicable drawings & specifications stated on the face of the Order.
  2. Seller will include with the shipment(s), as a separate document, a Certificate of Compliance that the supplies or services furnished hereunder conform to the applicable drawings and specifications stated on the face of the Order. Such certifications shall be validated by the signature of the Quality representative of the Seller, or by responsible Supervisor/Manager of the Seller.
  3. Seller shall furnish a copy of the actual chemical and physical analysis and finish certificate, when requested, of the raw materials delivered under this Order or for the raw material used in the manufacture of supplies delivered under this Order.
  4. Seller shall furnish a Certificate of Calibration for instruments and gages submitted to him for repair or calibration, as listed on the face of this Order. This Certification shall state that the Seller’s standards used for calibration are traceable in accuracy to the National Bureau of Standards, and shall provide the date and number of his NBS test. The Certificate of Calibrations list shall list the error(s) of the instrument or gate as calibrated, when compared to the standard used for calibration.

Shipment and Delivery

  1. The ship quantity, either in one lot or as aggregate of several lots, shall be exactly as stated on the face of this Order. Over shipments may be returned at the discretion of the Buyer and at the expense of the Seller. Under shipments shall cause the total purchase order price to be adjusted accordingly.
  2. Significant under shipments resulting from the inability or unwillingness of the Seller to perform shall cause an adjustment in the unit price to be paid to the seller in the event the shortage has to be made up by a different supplier and his unit price is higher than the agreed price on the face of this order, the adjustment resulting in the same total order cost to the Buyer.
  3. A variation in the quantity shipped from the quantity ordered shall be allowed to the following extent: ± 5% of the quantity ordered.
  4. Deliveries shall be made strictly in accordance with the schedule specified on the face of the Order. If at any time it appears that Seller will not meet such schedule, Seller shall promptly notify Buyer & Seller to arrive at a timely solution.
  5. Time & Rate of Delivery are of the essence on this Order. Buyer reserves the right to cancel this Order in whole or in part and/or to reject the supplies upon default by the Seller in time or rate of delivery. Buyer at is option may approve a revised delivery schedule, but only by a written Supplement to this Order
  6. All shipments of either new or corrected supplies or services shall be accompanied by a Packing List showing item identification (P/N, etc) and Quantity. The Packing List must show the applicable Buyer’s Order Number under which they were manufactured, processed or generated, or the shipment may be rejected.


  1. Minor tooling, priced as a separate line item on the face of this Order, will be permanent tooling. Title to such tooling will remain with the Seller, who will retain, store, maintain or replace/repair as necessary for the exclusive use of Buyer at no additional cost to Buyer, and in no event will Seller dispose of any such tooling or permit its use by parties other than the Seller without prior written agreement with Buyer.
  2. Major tooling, either priced as a separate line item or purchased under separate Order, for use in producing supplies for Buyer shall remain the property of the Buyer. Seller will be responsible for proper storage, maintenance, repair of such tooling for the exclusive use of the Buyer so long as Seller is engaged in production for the Buyer. Should production either cease or the spacing of orders create a storage burden for the Seller, Seller shall advise Buyer and request disposition for the tooling. Buyer may elect to have it delivered to him or may elect to have it scrapped, in no event is Seller authorized to dispose of the Tooling without the consent in writing of the Buyer.

Quality Clauses

  • The processes, products and services to be provided, including the identification of relevant technical data: Buyer will provide purchase orders and drawings that will have the technical requirements on them.
  • Approval or release of products and services, methods, processes or equipment: Buyer will provide release dates and perform incoming inspection to approve products.
  • Competence of Seller’s personnel, including necessary qualifications: Buyer will select only suppliers that have the competency to meet the drawing requirements.
  • Seller’s interactions with Buyer’s Quality system: Buyer need to meet all requirements of the purchase orders.
  • The control and monitoring of the Seller’s performance: Buyer will rate its suppliers based on quality and on time deliveries.
  • Verification or validation activities that Buyer, or its customers, intend to perform at the Seller’s premises: Buyer may need to perform inspections and/or tests at the Seller’s facility.
  • Design and development control: Buyer is in control of all design activities and the Seller does not have MRB authority.
  • Special requirements, critical items or key characteristics: Buyer identifies these items on each drawing.
  • Test, inspection and verification, including production process verification (first article inspection): Buyer will include the need for reports on the purchase order and will perform first article requirements.
  • The use of statistical techniques for product acceptance and related instructions for acceptance by Buyer: Buyer will include any SPC requirements on the drawing.
  • Seller must:
    • Implement a Quality System;
    • Use customer-designated or approved Sellers, including process sources; (when required)
    • Notify Buyer of changes to processes, products or services, including changes to the Seller’s or location of manufacture, and obtain the Buyer’s approval;
    • Flow down Seller’s applicable requirements, including customer requirements, to other Sellers: Buyer will flow down requirements in the comment field of the purchase order as needed.
    • Provide test specimens for design approval, inspection/verification, investigation or auditing;
    • Prevent the use of counterfeit parts;
    • Notify Buyer of nonconforming processes, products or services and obtain their approval for the disposition;
    • Retain records, including retention periods and disposition requirements: Buyer will keep these records at our facility for 10 years.
  • Seller shall provide right of access to Buyer, their customers and regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of facilities and to applicable documentation, at any level of the supply chain;
  • Seller’s persons must be made aware of:
    • Their contribution to product and service conformity;
    • Their contribution to product safety;
    • The importance of ethical behavior.

[email protected] | 973-616-6900

2 North Corporate Drive, Riverdale, NJ 07457 | Sigma-Netics, Inc. © 2025